quarta-feira, setembro 03, 2008

Last Goodbye

"This is our last goodbye
I hate to feel the love between us die.
But it's over
Just hear this and then I'll go:
You gave me more to live for,
More than you'll ever know.

Well, this is our last embrace,
Must I dream and always see your face?
Why can't we overcome this wall?
Baby, maybe it's just because I didn't know you at all.

Kiss me, please kiss me,
But kiss me out of desire, babe, and not consolation.
Oh, you know it makes me so angry 'cause I know that in time
I'll only make you cry, this is our last goodbye.

Did you say, "No, this can't happen to me"?
And did you rush to the phone to call?
Was there a voice unkind in the back of your mind saying,
"Maybe, you didn't know him at all,
you didn't know him at all,
oh, you didn't know"?

Well, the bells out in the church tower chime,
Burning clues into this heart of mine.
Thinking so hard on her soft eyes, and the memories
Offer signs that it's over, it's over."

segunda-feira, maio 28, 2007

Melhor Concerto de Sempre

Dream Girl
Crash Into Me
Hunger For The Great Light
Louisiana Bayou
When The World Ends
Grey Street
The Idea Of You
So Much To Say
Anyone Seen The Bridge
Too Much
Lie In Our Graves
American Baby Intro
Two Step
Ants Marching

**encore 1**

Jimi Thing
Stay (Wasting Time)


Don’t Drink the Water
Pantala Naga Pampa

segunda-feira, janeiro 29, 2007

John Butler

Aqui vai um sonzinho com "boa onda"

Um senhor... eheh

quinta-feira, dezembro 21, 2006

Boas Festas

domingo, dezembro 10, 2006

Vai de retro ó satanás

Estou pelos cabelos!

Estou exausta desta Floromania.

Completamente exasperada!

Ainda ontem andava eu a vaguear pelas minhas compras de época e esta senhora perseguia-me. Ela eram toalhas turcas floribela, guardanapos floribela, bonbons floribela, chocolate floribela, papel higiénico floribela, bolachas, esfregonas, roupas, ganchos, malas... enfim eu não me podia virar para lado algum sem ser bombardeada com isto... até me deu a dor de cabeça... juro...

Eis senão quando, chego a casa e abro uma revista de telemóveis, que recolhi no meio das compras e deparo-me com a meiazinha para colocar o telemóvel floribela... por favor... acho que já chega de merchandising...

quinta-feira, novembro 30, 2006


« Quando estiveres metido em sarilhos, não digas nada e tenta passar despercebido!»

quarta-feira, novembro 29, 2006

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